Access to Boteti River Camp

Coordinates: S20° 28.165', E24° 30.875'

From Maun to Boteti River Camp (approximately 140km)

  • Depart from Maun past Boseja and Matshwane industrial area. Head out south-east on the Nata road A3.
  • After 60km, you will arrive at the veterinary disease control fence at Makalamabedi (please be reminded they sometimes check for fresh meat leaving Ngamiland).
  • Continue straight on the A3 for another 23km then turn right towards Motopi (there should be a sign at the turn-off that says Boteti River Camp) onto B300
  • After 3km, you will reach Motopi, drive over the bridge and into the village
  • Drive 3.6km and turn left at the four-way junction in Motopi, onto a tarred road
  • Continue for another 50.8km then turn left towards Khumaga village and Magkadikgadi National Park.
  • As you enter Khumaga village drive through the village and follow the signage for the camp 

From Nata (if you come from Kasane or from Francistown) to Boteti River Camp

  • On the A3, main route Nata to Maun you pass Gweta (approx. 100 km) and the entrance to Nxai Pan National Park will be on your right after another 66km. 
  • After 11km from the park entrance you will see the entrance to Makgadikgadi Pan National Park on your left (before Phuduhudu village), another indication is a Khumaga Ferrysignage.
  • The road through the park and over the ferry: a 4x4 with high clearance is needed. A sign will show you the way to the river banks and then turn right where you will find the camp after about 200m. From Phuduhudu via the park to Khumaga it’s about 55km.
  • Via tar road (no 4x4 needed) and not through the park: drive further on the A3 pass Phuduhudu and turn left direction Motopi (45km after Phuduhudu), Rakops, Orapa onto the B300. Motopi village will come after 3km, drive over bridge and in the village turn left (stay on the tarred road) from here it will be another 54km when you turn left to Khumaga village, from here follow the signs in the village. 
  • From Nxai Pan gate turn off to Khumaga via tar road it is approx. 110km.